For investor matters and for all Compliance Matters:

Ms. Richa Lath
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer 
‘SKP HOUSE’, 132A, S. P. Mukherjee Road,
Kolkata-700 026
Phone : 033 40168000/8100

Email Id:

For any grievances relating to investors, please mail us at

Registered Office:

35, Chittaranjan Avenue
4th Floor
Kolkata-700 012

Ph No.: 033 22119805/06


Corporate Office:

132A, S. P. Mukherjee Road,
Kolkata-700 026

Ph No.: 033 40168000/8100

Fax No.: 033 40168107/8189


Factory (Works) Address:

Kadavita Dendua Road, P. O. Kalyaneshwari,
P. S. Kulti, Dist.-Burdwan,
West Bengal -7130369

Ph No: 0341 2522-248

Fax No: 0341 2522-961




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