Impex constantly strive to improve the quality of its products taking care of each & every batch of raw materials, that goes in production. In every process of manufacturing the professional gives their full attention for delivering consistent quality materials.
The quality policy communicated across the organization and reviewed to comply with the requirements of the Quality Standard. The Company is committed to high standard quality material with continuous improvements in systems and processes through innovation, involving all employees.
The company has a well equipped Laboratory with all modern facilities for analyzing various alloys and raw materials . The company carries out the analysis of Manganese and Silken by Wet Analysis Method.

We use LECO-CS-300 for determinination of Carbon and sulpher by Calibrating with standard sample and determine Phosphorus by wet analysis method partially and by UV/VIS Spectrometer with color developing (Phospho Molybdate Complex) by comparing Standard Sample.
Intensive R& D activity is an Overriding priority at Impex .IMPEX believes that research provides the foundation to sustain the consistent quality in long-term. The R& D Departments keep upgrading our technology by keeping a track of the customer needs. The company is committed to provide all necessary resources for research and developments and encourage innovative research to ensure that the Competitive advantages its retained in its overall business.